I can not believe that another year has passed and I am so far behind on this blog. Wonder why? It was another very successful year for Jewelry by Sonell and we thank all of our customers, old and new. Without you, this could not be happening. This past year has seen a graddaughter graduating from high school and is now attending college and a Little Britches World Champion grandson in the Ribbon Roping.
After a very blessed Christmas holiday here in the sandhills with friends and family I thought it was perhaps time to update the blogand say hello to all!
It has been a mild winter so far in the Nebraska Sandhills, (knock on wood) and we are very appreciative. Today it is in the 50's but it makes one wonder if this can last. Hay is being fed to the cattle as the cattle work on a ranch is never finished. We have been so thinkful for all the moisture that we received this past year but have felt so bad for the ranchers in the south. Ellen and I visited with some at the Nebraska Cattlemen Christmas Convention in Kearney, NE. and they have truly had their share of problems. But true to the code of the West, they are surging on, we are a tough breed. We have also been thankful for the higher prices this past year.
Ellen and I had a Jewelry by Sonell booth at the Convention and met so many new people and a lot of people we already knew. It was a very successful show but we fought glare ice all the way home and let me tell you it was so nice to get home in one piece.
We are looking forward to Spring and our busy season, we are busy in June with all the Cattlemen's Ball, High School Rodeo Finals, Rodeo Queen shows etc, and then again from November thru December. It is good to have a slowdown in between as it gives us time to make new 'one of a kind' pendants, we are now working a lot with Copper as Sterling Silver has gotten so high and Copper is in, especially with the Southwestern look. We truly love what we are blessed to do and love seeing peoples faces when they see our pieces in person. We have started out 8th year and thank God for the ability and chance to do this.
If you get a chance to attend a show where we are at, be sure and stop by the booth and say hello as we love meeting new people all the time.
Please remember to pray for this wonderful country of ours and for our military to keep us safe and give us the chance to be free in what we do and where we go. We are so fortunate to be able to live in the USA and thank our Saviour every day for the opportunity to do so. Will say adios until next time.